Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cholesterol (Symptoms of High Cholesterol Lowering Cholesterol And Tips)

Cholesterol (Symptoms of High Cholesterol Lowering Cholesterol And Tips)

Cholesterol is a fat that is present outside of all cells in the body and has many functions.In Greek, 'chole' meaning bile and 'steros' means a solid or rigid.

Some of the functions of cholesterol in the human body such as:

  1.  assist in maintaining and building cell membranes,
  2.  prevent crystallization of hydrocarbons,
  3.  assist in the production of certain hormones and provide insulation for nerve fibers,
  4.  assist in the production of bile and is needed for the metabolism of some fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin D and E.
Some cholesterol is often referred to the term
  1. LDL is This is often known as bad cholesterol. Artery disease risk increases many fold when LDL levels are too high. Mostly, human blood contains 70% LDL.
  2. HDL is good cholesterol. It takes cholesterol from the body's cells to the liver.
  3. Triglycerides are fats that the body found in the blood. If the food we eat is not used immediately, turned into triglycerides and stored as fat under the skin. In the case of an emergency when food intake is low your body, fat is converted into energy and used.
Cholesterol levels were measured by a cholesterol test. Normal cholesterol is between 200 to 239 mg / dl - borderline high cholesterol 240 mg / dl.People at risk of having high cholesterol is usually recommended to do a test, usually recommended for adults over the age of twenty years with a five-year intervals.Symptoms High cholesterol may not be identified by sight. 

Some symptoms can be caused by high cholesterol :
  1. narrowing of the coronary arteries,
  2. pain in legs while exercising,
  3. blood clots, plaque rupture and xanthomas,
  4. heart muscle damage that can lead to heart failure. 
Some tips to lower cholesterol in the blood:
  1. Reduce foods containing saturated fats such as coconut, high fat dairy, meat, and eggs;
  2. Losing weight can also reduce LDL cholesterol and decrease total cholesterol, HDL and increased triglyceride levels and minimize;
  3. Increase your intake of foods that contain water-soluble fiber such as apples, grapes and oranges

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