Saturday, March 24, 2012

Protein Causes of Man Baldness

Researchers have identified a protein that is responsible for male baldness. Thus expected to be found an effective treatment for baldness in men. Male baldness has affected 8 out of 10 men and causes hair follicles to shrink and produce microscopic hairs, which grow for shorter duration than normal hair.

"Often we see the baldness in men when the hair follicles are still there. So specialist concluded that, the existence of male baldness is caused due to the lack of a chemical compound for hair growth or the presence of inhibitors," said Dr. George Cotsarelis, a dermatology professor of Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania as reported by FoxNewsHealth, Thursday (03/22/2012).

By using microrays, tissue samples taken from the scalp in men suffering from baldness (alopecia androgenetic) and measured the levels of different genes. Samples taken from two spots on the scalp and bald spots with hair. The researchers found a bald spot has a high level of abnormal proteins called Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2), which is almost three times the amount present in the area of ​​scalp with hair. Then the researchers identified the protein, and further functional tests to study the effects of PGD2 in rat hair and hair follicles that grow in the laboratory.

"The protein can decrease the growth of hair. Proteins to inhibit hair growth, so that must be bound to the receptor (GPR44). Receptors are targets for future treatments to combat the baldness," says Dr. Cotsarelis.

"The effects of inhibition of PGD2 acts through the receptor, so what to do is block the receptor," the researchers said.

Some of the compounds targeted at the GPR44 receptor is already underway in other laboratories to treat other health problems like asthma. In addition to regulating hair growth, prostaglandins also control cell growth, as well as the constriction and dilation of smooth muscle tissue. The researchers believe that, with the results of new research means a topical treatment for male pattern baldness may soon be available.

"Our study is targeted to find a solution treatment of male pattern baldness. Since almost all men with a concomitant increase in age has begun to experience pattern baldness," says Dr. Cotsarelis.

Carrot Effective to Help a Success Diet

You must already know this vegetable, yeah, that is carrot, carrots are one of the many foods that contain vitamin A. Vitamin A is very good for maintaining healthy eyes. But later revealed if carrots can help you lose weight. In addition to vitamin A, these vegetables also contain lots of fiber, minerals and other nutrients that are very useful for the body. Provided you know carrots do not contain fat and cholesterol. So for those of you who are on a diet it would be nice to change your diet with this rabbit's favorite vegetable.

Carrots contain high fiber and water content are also abundant. So that by consuming these vegetables you will feel full as when eating seaweed. Thus, it can reduce your hunger and effective if you're on a strict diet. Carrot is not one of the major causes of weight loss, but these vegetables may play a role in supporting weight loss success. By eating lots of carrots, can prevent someone from consuming more calories because you will feel full.

Carrot Effective Diet to Help a success

Based on the research, people are often eating carrots will have healthy skin. Other than that contained vitamin A in carrots is not only good for the eyes, but also mempu prevent cancer.

The Benefits of Seaweed For Weight Loss

Seaweed For Weight Loss
Seaweed is one of the plant are rich in fiber that's good for the digestive process. Some time ago in Washington DC held research and the result is a brown seaweed algae species contain fibers that can cause the sensation of a full stomach, so eating seaweed is very helpful for your diet program. The research was conducted of the Faculty of Science – University of Copenhagen. According to them, fiber contained in seaweed brown algae causing the consumer always feel full and shown to decrease appetite.

Based on case studies conducted over a 12 week, consuming most of the alginate can lost weight significantly. While that does not consume alginate tend to weight gain. Weight loss was due to alginate contained in seaweed-green algae form a gel in the stomach and strengthen the satiety signals to the brain. Thus the stomach feel full and will always come down appetite and impact weight loss that happen quite a lot. The researchers also found the average consumers who drink the seaweed fiber could reduce weight by 1.7 kg.

In addition to the seaweed there are also other foods that contain lots of fiber and filling the stomach such as apple. Apple itself has many benefits for the body as a supplier of a wide range of important vitamins needed by our body. As said above apple has a lot of fiber such as brown algae seaweed that is able to maintain the stability of our digestive process in order to keep smooth. More about the benefits of apples please read the following article "apple fruit for a healthy diet".

The Benefits of Apples for Healthy Diet

Apple for Healthy Diet
Shrink the stomach can be done in many ways, one of them by eating fruits that contain lots of fiber such as apples. Fruit that has a sweet but slightly sour taste is indeed much-loved person as a dessert. But, do you know you can also use apple diet as a means to shrink the stomach?

Shrink stomach with apples is very effective because in a lot of apples contained no fat or calories. But instead, the apple contains fiber that are beneficial to expedite the disposal process in your body. Besides apples themselves contain different vitamins that our body needs. Apples contain vitamin A that's good for the eyes as well as Vitamin C to boost immunity.

Why apple beneficial to the diet? Because the apple with the skin if taken at the same time have a low index glicemik, it causes blood glucose levels preformance slow to rise, so we will feel full after eating an apple. Thus we can minimize the time our meal and diet can running smoothly.

Benefits of Apples For Supporting Healthy Diet

You must know, apples can also erode the cholesterol in the body. Inside apple there is such thing as pectin enzyme and polifinol. Both enzymes can erode the cholesterol in the body. Therefore, eat an apple with the skin because these two enzymes many found in the skin. Besides apples also been shown to fight cancer, according to a study of people in one day to eat an apple, it can reduce the possibility of cancer. Which last apples are also useful for preventing senile. Apples are proven to increase the production of acetylcholine which is a hormone that is capable of transmitting messages between Personality so as to sharpen the memory of the brain.

The Benefits of Apples for Healthy Diet

In 40 Years, 40 Million Smokers Predicted Death Due to Tuberculosis

In addition to triggering non-communicable diseases such as cancer, smoking is also associated with increased risk of infectious diseases such as Tuberculosis (TBC or TB). Estimated in the next 40 years, 40 million smokers will die because of TBC. These estimates are presented by the World Lung Foundation, in a recent book entitled The Tobacco Atlas 4th Edition. The Book compiled by Michael Eriksen, Judith Mackay and Hana Ross is a collection of data and predictions about the tobacco in the world.

Increased risk of tuberculosis had been concern since smoking was associated with more non-communicable diseases such as cancer and heart attacks. Not many are aware, that smoking may increase the risk of TBC infection. Especially in the last 10 years, the number of smokers around the world continue to show improvement.

"Since the first edition of The Tobacco Atlas published a decade ago, more than 43 billion cigarettes had been smoked. In 2009 alone there are 5.9 trillion cigarettes smoked, up 13 percent in 10 years" Eriksen said at the launch of the book in a series of 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Singapore, Wednesday (03/21/2012).

In addition to the various predictions about the effects of tobacco, of The Tobacco Atlas 4th Edition also reveal much about the developments of tobacco. One was the number of women smoking, the increasing number of growing days and even exceeded in 25 states of men smoke. Indonesia is not included in the 25 states, but mentioned that the number of women smoking in Indonesia, including many of the 3.7 percent of all ages. At the age of 13-15 years, 1.9 percent of young women have been smoking too.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tips Handling Leg Injuries because Running

Tips Handling Leg Injuries because Running
Leg Injuries
Jogging with green scenery around adding to the vibrant atmosphere of exercise. But If not careful can result in injury to the leg. This can occur due to two factors. First, the internal factors are : Overtraining, body condition, and recurrent injury. Second, external factors, usually caused by shoes that do not fit, age of shoes, running barefoot or socks.

Here's how to deal with that and recommended by Dr.Michael Triangto, SpKO :

Handle Injury

The first thing to do when an injury is to listen to your body. "If the pain is not common in previous exercises, you must first stop the practice and began to check," explained Dr. Michael.

In general, the injury will cause inflammation and should be anticipated. Signs of inflammation are :
Tumor (lump)
Calor (hot)
Dolor (pain)
Rubor (reddish color)
Fungsiolesa (interference function)
If there are signs above on your feet when running practice, that means there is a tear in the muscle tissue, or ligaments, or tendons. "Torn can cause bleeding that occurs underneath the skin," explains Dr. Michael. As first aid, you can use the system to relieve the inflammation with RICE methods : Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

Rest : Immediately stop the exercise if there is any sign of the above, "... does not extend to injury," explained Dr. Michael.
Ice : Give an ice pack on the injured area for 30 minutes as often as possible, depending on the weight or severity of injury. "It could freeze and stop the bleeding that happens," he explained.
Compress : wrap the injured area using elastic bandage, ",,, to reduce the existing lump, so that the blood that has entered the area of ​​inflammation under the skin had returned to its original blood vessels," he explained.
Elevation : Elevate the position of your feet, "... so that blood and fluid can flow back and pulled the heart easily," he explained.

Do the RICE treatment last for two days to actually stop the inflammation process, after which the injury will blue. If you already like it, give it a warm compress for 30 minutes, so that the blood flow the better, "Blood flow that will carry the waste out of the location of the injury was and bring new blood to give food to the places which had been injured," Clearly, Dr. Michael. If you do not want to get hurt, you can follow the trick healthy running as previous post

Tips Shrink Stomach After Childbirth

Tips Shrinking Stomach After Childbirth
For the mother that confused with the problem of enlarged waist circumference after birth, there are tips to shrink stomach after childbirth. Many woman confused in choosing the most appropriate way to restore its original shape. Most of the mothers doing diet program, but that is not good for postpartum mothers, because postpartum mothers need adequate nutrition to breastfeeding, it is very important for maintaining the health of mothers and babies.

According to health expert Prof Raul Artal of Saint Louis University. Effort to restore its original shape with a strict diet is not good, can even lead to a variety of statement, such as diabetes and heart problems. And based on some survey that women retain weight after giving birth it will make a distended abdomen.

Then how do I shrink the stomach after giving birth to the most safe and effective? Actually there are many methods without having to undergo a strict exercise and diet. Here are some tips to shrink the stomach after delivery of the safest and effective because it has been recommended by experts.

1. Breastfeeding

Besides highly recommended by doctors, breastfeeding may help the mother in losing weight. Because while breastfeeding, a woman can burn fat up to 600 calories per day or same as cycling for an hour said Dr. Raul.

2. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

A mother who breast-feed needs high nutritional in order to meet the needs of the baby and the mother herself. Therefore, a mother should consume lots of fruits and vegetables to your baby's nutritional needs met. Do not forget to measure the food into the body so the baby can stay healthy.
Here are some fruits and vegetables are good for your consumption :

3. Drink Mineral Water

Mineral water is very good for ordinary people and good for mothers who are breastfeeding. Water capable of removing toxins in the body. Take a look if your urine have yellowish color that means you have not consume lots of water. Therefore try to consume approximately 10 glasses of water every day.

4. Fair and Balanced Eating

All you have to remember is that you are currently breastfeeding your baby. You should eat 3 times a day with a considerable portion in order to maintained ASI nutrition. This is better than you eat once a day but with large portions. Try to avoid unhealthy foods such as chocolate or fried foods.

5. Interacting With Babies

This is the most fun thing in terms of burning calories. Encourage your baby walk every morning and evening with a stroller. Besides the streets in the morning is very good for the baby. This method does seem trivial, but the effect is quite significant.

6. follow the treatment Classes

This one is optional because it required a separate fee to attend these classes.
OK, that is tips for you, hopefully useful for you.

How To Shrink Stomach Without Diet and Sports

Shrink Stomach Without Diet and Sports
To have a good body and beautiful, always identified with regular exercise and a strict diet. In general, women who often do so even though men also had much to do such a thing to shrink the stomach. Various means adopted to obtain a proportional body, such as going to the gym, go to the doctor a nutritionist, to the strict diet is not necessarily suitable for their own self. Well, if you want to try something different, consider the unique way to shrink the stomach without exercise and diet are the following :

1. Acupuncture

Alternative treatments like acupuncture is already rife. Ranging from acupuncture to beauty, treatment, until acupuncture for slimming has been found. Acupuncture itself is good for health because it can balance your body's organ systems so that the body will stay healthy. In doing acupuncture, there are two points which pierced the body, the first point of the desire to continue eating and the second is the point of metabolism. Acupuncture works to maintain the health of organs such as liver, spleen and stomach. Everyone is equal in acupuncture techniques and of course must be fully committed by the professional.


2. Massage

Almost everyone loves a traditional medicine. Ranging from teenagers to adults, men and women like massage. Massage can make blood circulation and oxygen to be smooth. In addition massage can help the circulation of oxygen and nutrients between blood and tissue cells in the body so as to restore and strengthen muscles. With the massage will certainly minimize the deposition of fat in the body and with an emphasis on certain points can encourage weight loss.

3. Laughing

Do you believe laughing can be able to shrink stomach? That sounds pretty unique way, but laughing is proven to help burn fat and calories in the stomach because of the stimulus provided by the abdominal muscles when we're laughing. The other effect when the laugh is that it can soothe the nerves and of course make our hearts to be happy.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to Cope Tomcat Bites

Tomcat Bites
Indonesia, Surabaya city and a number of areas recently rumored to have an attack of Tomcat insect that is harmful. Attack of this Paederus Insect species can cause dermatitis or skin irritation. However, do you know if Tomcat was beneficial insects for farmers?

Aris Sutrisno, an insect expert from LIPI reveal insects Tomcat is useful to repel pests. Leafhoppers are insect prey for Tomcat. Haris said the attacks are said to be a plague Tomcat was just an act to defend themselves from enemy threats. Tomcat is not actually hostile to humans. So, maybe there is a human activity that interferes with activities of Tomcat. In metropolitan cities like Jakarta and Surabaya, Tomcat insects normally live in areas that are have trees or plants such as city parks. Tomcat fly with a body that "standing", not lie face downward. Wings did not cover the whole body, in contrast to insects that we usually encounter. Residents who are bitten by an insect Tomcat will typically experience itching. When severe, the skin may blister-like victim of Surabaya. However, residents are expected to not panic face an attack Tomcat because the poison is not deadly. To treat bites Tomcat, namely by applying ointment Acyclovir 5 percent. This ointment can be found in pharmacies. Skin that have Bitten can be washed with soapy water for first aid antiseptic.

The characteristics of the affected skin bites Tomcat :
1. Appear reddish color of the skin
2. The skin will feel itchy
3. Irritation or inflammation of the skin
4. Skin will appear blistered from the irritation
5. If severe, then there will be pus in the skin

To overcome this, we also have prepared the way to cope tomcat bites :
1. Avoid direct contact with these animals.
Direct contact with animals is tantamount to attach the skin to the poison. Usually the skin will feel the heat followed by the appearance of spots itchy, watery and black marks on the skin. If you want to get rid of that animal, use paper or blow it, do not hold it by hand.
2. Rinse with running water and soap
if your skin got contact immediately put your skin under tap water and wash with soap. If it feels like burns, immediately compresses the skin with cool antiseptic and make sure there is no more insect tomcat and was given one percent hydrocortisone ointment. However, the patient better immediately checked by a doctor.
3. Pairs of mosquito netting and also close the windows and doors to prevent entry of these beetles, make sure there is no room for him.
4. Do not rub the skin or eyes if you get contact with tomcat, because the poison on the skin can infect other areas that you touch. Wash your hands before touching other parts of the body.
5. Make sure the home environment clean
Remove plants that are not maintained and ensure cleanliness of your garden so that animals will not nest there. This is a powerful way to cope with the disease tomcat. Prevention is better than cure so make sure your home is clean and comfortable so that you are not distracted from tomcat problems. Although insects are useful to farmers, we also must remain vigilant.

Tomcat insect

Kinds of Ways to Improve Healthy Eating for Kids

Kinds of Ways to Improve Healthy Eating for Kids

Diet of children is very difficult to manage. But to raise a healthy diet for children is in fact not a difficult thing. Here are 10 Ways to Increase Healthy Eating for Children.The best way to improve nutrition in children is to provide a balanced diet at home. To begin with, what is needed is a way to make healthy food choices and help your child build a good relationship with healthy food. The easiest thing is the kids will imitate the lifestyles and healthy eating patterns of their parents. Listed below are a few tips to help establish healthy eating patterns in children: Do not restrict food to children 

Do not restrict food in children.
Limiting the number and type of makakan may increase the risk of eating disorders in children such as bulimia and anorexia as a teenager later. The other effect is the disruption of growth and developmentProvide healthy food in your home

Provide healthy food in your house.
The children will eat the food available at home. Put the fruit on the table as a snack, do not be in the corner of the refrigerator. Bring a snack apple or orange as your own. Giving an example would be much more effective than simply advising them with words. Remember, children will only eat the food available at home

Do not label foods with the word 'good' or 'evil'.
In contrast, Instill in your child's understanding of the content of these foods. As the calcium contained in milk and fish is good for the development of bones and teeth, where the bones are good means children can actively play or exercise. Trans-fats are produced by deep-fried foods (deep fried) can cause an increase in cholesterol that can lead to obesity and heart disease so that children can not play freely. Hubungkanlah between food and exercise or play activities of children 

Appreciate healthy food choices by children. 
Give a smile and praise when they choose healthy foods

Never give food as gifts.
This can cause children to become obese or suffer from the problem of overweight. Give a gift to the child like a walk or a toy 

Get used to eating dinner together.
Dinner tradition according to research provided better nutrition for children and reduce the possibility of problems at a time when adolescents 

Provide each plate at meal time. 
The aim is that you can provide adequate and healthy amounts on each plate (father, son). Your child will recognize belajr proportional amount or sufficient for their nutritional

Give your child control. 
Encourage your child to give the value (0-10) on each food on the table after tasting it. If healthy foods, especially vegetables, getting high grades, praise them and give them more vegetables

Do about unhealthy food choices.
If children want unhealthy foods you can ignore it. Or you can give them a healthy meal replacement. Example if your child wanted fried chicken, you can make a roast chicken. If your kids want fries, you can make a baked potato with tomato sauce, broccoli, and meat 

Consult your doctor regarding your child's child.
Will consult when making changes in your child's diet, do not judge your child is too thin or fat by your own

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

5 Home Treatment that Approved by Doctor

Home Treatment that Approved by Doctor

Treat several diseases with household materials has been done for generations. This practice exists not only because of suggestion, but some treatments are proven effective. "If you're having a runny nose, stomach ache, or itchy rash, it helps to immediately open kitchen shelves. Some home remedies that are still maintained from generation to generation is a sign of powerful treatment that enough to use," said Dr. Philip Hagen, and preventive medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic .

As reported by CBSNews, Wednesday (21/03/2012) The following are some healing ingredients to help alleviate the disease.


1. Honey

Used to treat minor cuts, burns and cough or sore throat. The study found that honey helps heal minor to moderate burns. A Dutch study recently found a protein content of honey, called defensin-1, which has antibacterial properties. Apply warm honey in small cuts or minor burns, and attach the gauze bandage on it. Replace the gauze bandage every day.


2. Salt

Used to treat nasal congestion and sore throat. Mix salt into the water with more viscous than the concentration of salt water in the body. This mixture will help to draw fluid from the tissues. For sore throat, dissolve the salt without iodine as much as half a teaspoon in 8 ounces of water and use to rinse. To relieve nasal congestion, fill a bottle of neti pot with salt and then pour the mixture into the nostrils. Use boiled water to make a saline solution to avoid infection.

Peppermint tea
Peppermint Tea

3. Peppermint tea

Used to treat indigestion and abdominal pain. Oil contained in the leaves and twigs of peppermint can soothe the digestive tract muscles in the stomach so that gas out easier. Do not use peppermint tea if you have pain caused by stomach acid reflux or rise into the esophagus.

Meat tenderizer
Meat Tenderizer

4. Meat tenderizer

Used to treat bee stings and spider bites non-toxic. Meat tenderizer contains papain, an enzyme that breaks down protein. Papain can also break down the poison from insect bites and reduce itching. Use a meat tenderizer on mosquito bites, bee stings, spider bites and non-toxic. Marinate meat tenderizer with water and apply water to the affected part. Leave for 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water.


5. Oatmeal

Used to treat eczema, sunburn and itching. Chemical content in oats contain anti-inflammatory substances that can soothe itchy and inflamed skin. This statement is supported by a study published in the journal Archives of Research. If using regular wheat, grind corn into a fine powder. Put a cup of oats into the water until dissolved. Pour the solution into a bath of warm water and Soak in it for 15 minutes.

Women with Bloody Type O Fastest Decreasing Number of Egg Cells

Bloody Type O
Most of the 30 years old women's began to use medical help to increase fertility. This is not just due to aging alone but blood group apparently had an influence on fertility. Women with blood type O tend to decrease the amount of the egg reserves than other blood types. Women with blood type O are two times more likely to experience a decrease in fertility compared to women with blood group A and AB. Doctors stated that egg reserves will be reduced in women aged 30-40 years, but can also occur at an early age. This research has been published online in the journal Human Reproduction issue of June 26, 2011.

"There is a subgroup of women who are young but her acting as if the older and the number of eggs in her ovaries a little more," said Lubna Pal, a reproductive endocrinology researcher at Yale University School of Medicine as reported from MSNHealth, Wednesday (21/3 / 2012).

The researchers measured the levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to determine whether the egg reserve may be reduced. Approximately 544 women in Connecticut and New York who use fertility assistance a median age of 35 years. After giving effect of age the researchers found that, women with blood type O have a high FSH level indicating decreased egg reserve. Women with blood type O are two times more likely to experience a decrease in fertility compared to women with blood group A and AB.

"Red blood cells have a molecule that attaches to the cell surface such as a flag pole. People with blood type A, AB, and B have enzymes that can modify the molecule as the process of raising the flag on a pole. In blood group O, the flag does not seem to be raised. There the possibility that the blood type O do some unknown function in ovarian cells, "said Pal.

"The process works in the blood may also work in the ovary, but needed a more robust evidence," said Pamela Stanley, a professor of Biology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

"Still need to do more research on the relationship between blood type O and decreased egg reserve," said Pal.

A woman's blood type and the ability to conceive may be related, but lifestyle can also affect fertility.

6 Unexpected Ways that Can Prevent Wrinkles

Many ways in which women can prevent the arrival of wrinkles to keep it looking youthful, ranging from low-cost therapies to the most expensive though. But there are some unexpected ways that can also prevent wrinkles. Normally as the age increases little by little wrinkles or wrinkles on the face will arise. This condition does not necessarily make a person look young again, so various methods are used to prevent the arrival of wrinkles.

Here are 6 unexpected ways that can prevent wrinkle comes, as reported by WebMD, Monday (3/19/2012) :

1. Sleeping on your back

American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) cautions that certain sleep positions can cause 'sleep lines', ie wrinkles etched into the surface of the skin and does not go away once you're awake. Sleep on their side increases wrinkles on cheeks and chin, while sleeping face down make a furrowed brow. To reduce the formation of wrinkles, the AAD recommends to sleep on her back.

2. Eat more fish

Cold water fish like salmon is not only a source of protein, but also an important source of essential fatty acids known as omega-3. Dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, MD, tells that the essential fatty acids nourish the skin, so keep him young, and also helps to reduce wrinkles.

3. Don't squinting

AAD says repetitive facial movements such as squinting will make overworked facial muscles, forming a groove beneath the skin surface. This groove eventually becomes wrinkles. Make your eyes still wide, wear reading glasses if you need it. If necessary use the sunglasses as outdoor activities, which can protect the skin around the eyes from sun damage and prevent you from squinting.

coffee or chocolate

4. Consumption of coffee or chocolate

In a study published in the 2006 edition of the Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that cocoa (chocolate) contains two types of flavonols (epicatchin and catechin) which can protect skin from sun damage, improved circulation to skin cells, improve skin hydration and make visible and feels smooth.

5. Don't over often wash your face

According to dermatologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center, frequently wash your face with tap water can make skin of natural oils lost and moisture that protect against wrinkles.

6. Consumption of soy foods

Research shows that soy may help protect or heal some skin from sun damage. One study published in European Journal of Nutrition, says that supplement based of soy (whose ingredients contained vitamins, fish protein and extracts from white tea, grapeseed, and tomato) can improve skin structure and firmness in just 6 months.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tomcat Insects Make Inflamed Skin

Tomcat Insects
Surabaya, Indonesia is currently undergoing an attack of Tomcat insects that have been disturbing residents because it caused a reaction in the skin. Dr. Yunis Tri Miko, W, MSc professor of epidemiology in FKM UI said every insect have a role in disease transmission including tomcat. This insect has a poison that can cause a reaction in the skin. "This Insects are found in the garden or fields and usually only cause a reaction in the skin. In contrast to other insects like centipedes, the poison can cause paralysis and nerve poison," said Dr. Tri. He further said if someone exposed to the poison of these insects then promptly cleaned and given anti allergy drugs such as hydrocortisone ointment or betametasone so that the reaction is not excessive.

"The reaction in the body caused by tomcat is different every person, for which no allergies may only cause a little red. But if the person has an allergic reaction or excessive high sensitivity to allergens, it is necessary immediately care".

Tomcat is a type of beetle which has the Latin name Paederus riparius. He lives in moist areas and will generally follow the light from the lamp. This insects usually works to repel and eat animals such as beetle infestation and pests of rice. But if to attack human then this has become a plague and this Tomcat insects often appear when it's dusk and people started turning on the light illumination. Tomcat will excrete toxins from the body or in contact with human skin. These toxins will cause itching and also cause thermal injury to the skin.

Dr.Tri said the health way to prevent it is by spraying insecticides to kill insects and to avoid direct contact with the insects. These pesticides are the vegetable which usually contain laos, neem leaves and lemongrass that aims to kill tomcat insects that have been disturbing residents. Besides other things can be done as a form of prevention is through people's behavior for example by closing doors and windows before turning on the lights, because tomcat is insect that following light.

Tomcat is a beetle that has a size of less than 1 cm. Its body is dark yellow at the top, bottom of abdomen and dark head. The middle of a dark green abdomen and has a pair of wings keras. Usually, these beetles appear by crawling and hiding wings and look more like ants. If disturbed it will raise the abdomen look like scorpion.

These beetles do not sting or bite. Hemolimf fluid thatcontained in the body (except the wings) this animal have the dangerous poison. The toxin was identified as 'aederin' : (C24 H43 N O9) named in 1953. This fluid was allegedly 12x more lethal than cobra venom.

Tomcat will automatically release fluid if event of a collision with a touch of human skin or in person. It could also touch indirectly through towels, clothes or other equipment that is contaminated by toxic tomcat. That is why, if it is exposed to an automatic dermatitis like bedspreads, towels and equipment that was allegedly exposed to toxic tomcat needs to be cleaned.

If a rash occurs after contact with this beetle :
1. If you affected into contact with this beetle, immediately wash the affected area with soap and water.
2. Those who experience a severe skin reaction better to get medical care.
3. For patients who experience a rash propagation, make sure the insect is no longer in bed and close all windows when the evening.
4. Ingredients such as antiseptic solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) may be used for washing.
5. Antiseptic mixed with low-strength steroid cream can reduce the injuries.
6. Finally, do not let the wound that is still wet in the sun, because it can cause black scars are difficult to remove.
For treatment, use Acyclovir Ointment 5% which can be found in the Drug Stores / Pharmacies nearby.

The Benefits of Ice Cream for the Body

The Benefits of Ice Cream for the Body
Ice Cream
Many women are reluctant to eat ice cream because of fear of fat. Composition of ice cream containing energy, protein, and saturated fat are always blamed as the culprit of obesity. In fact, the energy composition of the ice cream is only about 10% of total daily fat requirement, so the myth is wrong when the ice cream is considered as a cause of obesity.

Ice cream is included in the frozen food that has a semisolid texture and has a high nutritional value. The materials used in the manufacture of ice cream include: milk fat, milk solids non-fat (skim), cream, sugar, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and extract sense. At least 100 grams of ice cream made from milk that has 110-130 calories with protein content of 2.5 - 3 grams.

Because it contains milk that is rich in lactoferrin, and cytokines, then eat the ice cream can actually improve your immune to diseases, including influenza. Ironically, during this ice cream is regarded as a cause of colds, coughs, and colds. In fact, when we eat ice cream, melting ice cream that goes into the mouth is affected by body temperature, so temperature is not cold any longer.

Prohibition of eating ice cream at the hospital also includes the assumption is wrong. At the time of illness, our bodies need plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Ice cream is one dish that can provide plenty of fluids for our bodies. The exception is for people with sore throats, asthma, and tonsillitis due to the potential for relapse.

Benefits of ice cream :

1. Calcium content in the ice cream is useful for maintaining bone density, preventing osteoporosis, cancer, and hypertension.

2. Highly nutritious and not fattening
Ice cream does contain fat, especially saturated fat. That caused a lot of people avoid for fear of being fat ice cream. In fact, the energy contribution of ice cream per serving (one cup) of only about 10% of total energy demand and contribution of fat around 15% of total daily fat requirement. They include a small amount, so the less fit when ice cream was accused as the culprit causing obesity.

3. Not Cause Colds
Ice cream is not the cause of cough and cold. Because, when it entered the mouth, ice cream will melt quickly. Ice cream melting rapidly accelerated by the influence of body temperature, so that when the ice cream into the esophageal temperature was not as cold as ice water.

4. Antitumor and HIV
25% -30% content of ice cream is milk. Milk is composed of Lactoferrin, which has a role as agents of non-specific defenses against pathogens. Lactoferrin also has a Antiviral activity, particularly against cytomegalovirus, influenza, and HIV.

Hobbies that Make Healthy Heart

Hobbies that Make Healthy Heart
Lifestyles not only cause a lack of motivation, but it also creates space for stress and other lifestyle diseases like hypertension, diabetes, increased cholesterol levels and heart attacks. To mute it, there are some hobbies that can relieve stress and keep the heart healthy.

Stress can not only reduce mental health but also physical health. People who are stressed are more likely to have heart disease.

Here are some activities or hobbies that can reduce stress and make your heart healthy, as reported by onlymyhealth, Tuesday (19/03/2012) :

1. Traveling

Traveling with friends or family travel to new places is a fun way to make heart still healthy. If the funds available are limited, no need to do the traveling that far away. Look beautiful or interesting places that are near your home.

2. Cooking

Try the new menu also will help relieve your stress. Try to choose a healthy menu for the family, so in addition to reducing stress, you also can provide healthy food for the family.

3. Dancing

Dancing is not only fun and relieve stress, but also helps burn calories so you can get additional benefits for weight loss.

4. Gardening or raising animals

Caring for plants or animals is the next best way to keep the heart healthy and happy. This hobby also makes you more relaxed and positive energy that brings calm the nerves.

5. Painting

Painting is like pouring stress into the canvas and produce a beautiful painting. It will make you more calm and comfortable.

6. Listen to music or singing

Many studies have proven that listening to music can relieve stress and be beneficial in patients with heart disease by reducing blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tricks Stay Healthy Although Lack of Sleep

Tricks Stay Healthy Although Lack of Sleep
Sleep is very important to maintain one's health overall. But there are some people who get a little amount of sleep time. How to stay healthy despite the lack of sleep?

If someone does not get enough sleep, then he will feel tired, lethargic, depressed, have difficulty concentrating and there is the possibility of more frequent illness because the immune system is down.

Even so there are some things one can do to stay healthy body despite getting less sleep, as quoted from Livestrong, Monday (3/19/2012), namely :

1. As much as possible to get time for a nap

If it does not get a good night's sleep, then try to get a little time to take a nap even though only 15 minutes. This can help recharge the body and brain as well as prepare for the next several hours.

2. Exercise every day

Exercising does not need heavy or powerful, but can by jogging or cycling around the neighborhood for 30 minutes. This will help you release excess energy in the body so it can go to bed early and get enough sleep.

3. Avoid eating before bed

Try to eat or snack last performed at least 2 hours before bedtime. This is to ensure that during sleep, the body will break and no severe digestive process, so you sleep better and feel more refreshed when you wake up in the morning.

4. Do not consume stimulants before bed

One cup of coffee including stimulants, if you want coffee consumption should be six hours before bedtime. This is because if consumed too close to bedtime can interfere with the quality and quantity of sleep.

5. Relax before bed

Try to turn off computers, televisions and other electronics for 1 hour before bed looking at the screen or the light can trick the brain into thinking that it was still awake. Meanwhile, dim the lights and turn off electronics can calm the mind and body and sleep quality will improve.

Died Because of Paracetamol Overdose

Cynthia Shearer
Paracetamol is known as a fever-lowering drugs and pain relievers such as headache, toothache, menstrual pain and pain in the muscles. But its use should pay attention to the prescribed dose. If not, life could be floated as experienced by Cynthia Shearer. Cynthia Shearer (68 years) treated for a hip fracture. He must be lying in the hospital and the doctors assured will do anything to relieve his pain.

The family hopes minor operation can make Cynthia immediately went home. But Cynthia had never come home again. After 20 days in the hospital, this grandmother has to die at the age of 68 years.

Not because of a broken hip bone or the operation fails, Cynthia died cause given more than 85 percent a safe dose of paracetamol during the first 48 hours in the hospital. Overdose of painkillers that caused multi-organ failure. Weighing only 34.9 kg, Cynthia should only be given paracetamol dosage children. Please note that the intravenous dose should be based on patient weight, not age.

"It's because of a lack of awareness of junior doctors, nurses, senior doctors and pharmacists, including the chief pharmacist," said Coroner John Ellery, as reported by, Monday (03/19/2012).

The investigation found that a lack of awareness about the guidelines regarding the most widely used drug among senior physicians and pharmacists at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.

"This is especially significant given that the staff may be trained in other places, so it is a concern if their knowledge were similarly less," said Ellery.

Even more alarming, Cynthia is not the first death caused by an overdose of paracetamol. In 2008, Danielle Welch (19 years) died at Glasgow's Southern General Hospital. Adolescents with high 122 cm and weight 34.9 kg examined by 23 different doctors and received 20 doses of paracetamol for adults, twice the amount that is safe for her.

"Paracetamol works by reducing the production of chemicals called prostaglandins. Body to release chemicals in response to illness and injury and they can cause pain and fever," said Helen Darracott, trained pharmacist and director of the Proprietary Association of Great Britain.

Paracetamol is actually safe when used properly, very safe even believed to be used by pregnant women. But when an overdose occurs, it will cause damage to the liver and other organs.

Green Tea Can Relieve Bad Breath

Green Tea Can Relieve Bad Breath
Green Tea
Content of antioxidants in green tea is not only useful for fighting cancer. According to recent research, the content can also relieve halitosis or bad breath odors due to various reasons, including cavities. Antioxidant compounds called polyphenols are believed to eliminate the various causes of bad breath. Even a variety of disorders associated with bad breath, such as cavities can also be prevented by diligent drinking green tea.

"Above all, we find the additional benefits of green tea in the field of oral health," wrote the researchers from Israel's Institute of Technology in the journal Archives of Oral Niology, as quoted from Dailymail, Monday (19/03/2012).

Types of polyphenols or antioxidants in green tea that can alleviate bad breath is epigallocatechin 3 gallate (EGCG). It is said in the report of experts, the content of EGCG is one of the most interesting component in green tea leaf. This reinforces the benefits of green tea as a superfood or food or beverage with various properties. Previously, the content of polyphenols in green tea are believed to reduce cancer risk and protect the heart from damage.

Various previous studies even mention, the content of antioxidants in green tea can prevent a variety of neurological disorders caused by the aging process. Neurological disorders including Parkinson's and is one form of senility that is alzherimer. In essence, raw material of green tea hardly different from the raw material of black tea. The difference lies only in the processing process, which makes green tea has less caffeine content but it has more polyphenol levels.

Since thousands of years ago, this one kind of tea is traditionally consumed by the population of China and the Far East. Usually drunk without sugar, so the number of calories is confirmed very few and is suitable for people who are dieting.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cycling in the Middle of Pollution Safe for Health

Cycling in the Middle of Pollution Safe for Health
Awareness for healthy living with the advent of the habit of cycling in big cities increasing. The bicycler not have to worry about cycling in the middle of the smoke pollution of motor vehicles. The study found that cycling in the middle of traffic passing a motor vehicle does not endanger the health condition.

Various previous studies did find a variety of negative effects of pollution exposure to health, particularly pollution from motor vehicle exhaust. However, when coupled with intense physical activity such as cycling, the harmful effects of pollution to health is still very small.

A researcher from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) want to see the impact of air pollution exposure and volume as well as cycle routes bicycler health conditions. The finding is surprising and make happy the bicycler.

"We found that breathing in air containing polluting vehicles along the roads during morning and afternoon only have a small impact to the health of cyclists," said the researcher, Tom Cole-Hunter as reported by The Conversation, Sunday (18/03/2012).

Although the impact of pollution on health cyclist quite a bit, Cole-Hunter suggested that the cyclist should not challenging smoke pollution. Finding a route that bypassed fewer vehicles will certainly reduce the amount of dirty air particles are inhaled.

"Cyclists who suffer from asthma complaints would be better if it followed the road less dense. Since particle emission vehicles can adversely affect the respiratory system," said Cole-Hunter.

The study also found that cyclists who have respiratory problems tend to feel shortness of breath and wheezing experienced after bike along the crowded streets of a motor vehicle. Finally, these cyclists then reroute the trip or used a ventilator to resolve complaints.

Cyclists women found to be better able to detect an increase in odor emissions. That is, these women are more sensitive to exposure to vehicle emissions.

At present, go to work or school by bicycle is an effective solution for people who want to get used to exercising. Especially after getting congested traffic that causes congestion due to population growth.

The study was conducted over three years in Brisbane, Australia, and will be presented at the seminar to gain a PhD researcher at the International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH) at Queensland University of Technology.

10 Natural Medicines to Fight Cancer

Natural Medicines to Fight Against Cancer
Some foods and herbs contain compounds and properties that can fight some cancers such as prostate cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, and more. Research has revealed that some foods have great potential to prevent or reduce the risk of certain cancers than other foods.

As reported, Sunday (3/18/2012), here are 10 foods that are clinically proven effective against cancer.

1. Bean

Bean is the best source of vegetable protein and contains a fairly good fiber content. Researchers at Colorado State University have discovered the ability of anticancer contained in the beans. Reddish white beans have anti-cancer effects are greater than the bluish color. More colored beans have a lighter effect.

In another study, researchers monitored the eating habits of more than 490,000 people and compare it with the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and larynx. The result, a very powerful food protects against cancer include beans, carrots, and tomatoes.

2. Broccoli and Similar Vegetables

Broccoli and similar vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale contain compounds of powerful cancer-fighting . That's Compound is indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and diindolylmethane (DIM). I3C and DIM increases the metabolism of estrogen to be more secure. The hormone estrogen is known to trigger cancer.

Broccoli sprouts are also a source of sulforaphane, a phytochemical that has been shown to increase the production of cancer-fighting enzymes. Two other compounds cancer-fighting are lutein and zeaxanthin are also found in vegetables. Lutein has been shown to fight prostate cancer and colon cancer.


3. Carrots

Carrots are a source of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that is proven to reduce the risk of various cancers, including prostate cancer, mouth, throat, colon, stomach, and bladder. A study of urologic found that consumption of carrots and vegetables associated with decreased risk of bladder cancer.

A study conducted the National Cancer Institute also confirmed carrots help reduce the risk of cancer of the mouth and throat. In addition to beta-carotene, carrots also have anti-cancer substances called falcarinol. Several studies have found that beta-carotene increases lung cancer risk, but this study used beta-carotene supplements and the highest risk found in smokers.

Cayenne Papper
Cayenne Papper

4. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne peppers contain capsaicin, a substance that has the ability to fight cancer in several parts of the body. In a research laboratory in 2007, capsaicin proved to slow the growth of prostate cancer cells and promote cancer cells to commit suicide.

Lung cancer is common in men. Researchers at Marshall University in West Virginia recently discovered that capsaicin is useful in the treatment of lung cancer cells. Capsaicin also plays an important role to fight against stomach cancer.


5. Garlic

Garlic contains allium compounds which may enhance the activity of the immune system that is designed to fight cancer. The compound, called sultides dialyl and capable of blocking the entry of carcinogens into the cells, as well as slow the progression of tumors. People who regularly eat raw or cooked garlic will lose half the risk of stomach cancer and two thirds the risk of colorectal cancer, according to a study published the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

In a study from China, researchers found evidence that a compound derived from garlic, called S-allylcysteine ​​have anticancer effects against prostate cancer cells in the laboratory. Garlic is a versatile herb that can be easily added to food.

6. Mushrooms

There are a variety of different fungi with different chemical constituents. Shiitake mushrooms, reishi, Coriolus versicolor, and maitake are known to have cancer-fighting properties. The ability of anti-cancer effect is thought to contain polysaccharides which boost the immune system so strong against cancer.

Mushrooms also contain protein or sugar molecules called lectins. Ability of Lectins is proven to prevent cancer cells proliferate. Other compounds in fungi is ergosterol peroxide which can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells, according to a study published in the journal Biological Interactions chemico.

In a study in Korea, the scientists found that the fungus yamabushitake potential against leukemia in humans. The use of shiitake extracts in cancer patients also showed promising results. The researchers found that patients gastrointestinal cancer or breast cancer who took the mushroom extract along with chemotherapy experienced improved quality of life and immune function.

7. Raspberries

Raspberries are a source of antioxidants and phytonutrients called anthocyanins that may protect the body from cancer. In a study published in the journal Cancer Research, the mice were given food containing 5% - 10% black raspberries decreased number of esophageal tumors by 43% - 62%.

In subsequent studies, extracts of black raspberries inhibited colon cancer cell growth, and esophageal cancer in rats. In a study by Ohio State University, a black raspberry powder administered to patients suffering from colorectal cancer. The researchers found evidence that black raspberries have a positive impact on the reduction of colorectal cancer.

8. Grape

Resveratrol is an antioxidant that is usually contained in grapes and red wine. A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that resveratrol slowed the growth of prostate cancer cells.

A study from Italy confirmed the evidence that resveratrol and anti-inflammatory properties can help fight the deadly cancer. Researchers in Japan have also found that resveratrol makes colon cancer cells to commit suicide.


9. Tomatoes

Antioxidants and phytonutrients are concentrated disebit lycopene in tomatoes are cooked or processed. A large study involving almost 48,000 men found that men who consume tomatoes and tomato products have a 35% lower risk of prostate cancer and 53% lower risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

The researchers confirmed that consumption of tomato products are associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer. In addition, several studies have shown that consumption of tomatoes and lycopene is associated with decreased risk of lung cancer.

10. Turmeric

Turmeric has been regarded as anti-cancer food because it has a variety of important anti-cancer properties. In the journal Frontiers of Bioscience, researchers found that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has various anti-cancer properties.

Numerous studies have shown that curcumin is very strong against colon cancer. The study, published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer showed that curcumin is used in conjunction with chemotherapy is an effective strategy to treat gastrointestinal cancers.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tricks to Healthy Running

Tricks to Healthy Running

Leisurely walk or run is a simple and inexpensive things you can do to help improve health. But how to healthy walk for the body?

A healthy body can not be achieved magically or quickly. But walking is a good thing to do for health such as blood pressure and lose weight. If you choose to walk as the main type of exercise, it is important to know how the proper gait. Here are some things you can do, as quoted from Lifemojo, Friday (03/16/2012), namely :

1. Try to keep the eyes focused forward and not up or down too often
2. Chin in a fixed position and somewhat withdrawn slightly to maintain a neutral neck position so as to prevent neck pain and can support the head properly.
3. Keeping the shoulders so as not to bend and stay relaxed. You do this by bending the arms and elbows form a 90 degree angle and swing to the center of the body and should not bend more than 90 degrees. If you bend it right will burn more calories and engaging more muscles.
4. The back of the body remains straight so that the natural curvature of the bone remains. Should be slightly bent slightly forward when walking in the hills.
5. The position of the chest slightly raised so that it can take a deep breath, expanding your stomach muscles and try to breathe in rhythm with the steps.
6. The heel should touch the ground, short steps will give you a better workout and easier on the joints.

By following running techniques, it can significantly improve performance. This could help increase the benefits of the body such as increasing efficiency, using supply energy more better, lower the risk of injury, increase comfort, faster, increasing calories burned, good for muscle and body shape.

Besides, running this trick will not cause chronic pain in the body, avoiding poor posture and prevent the buildup of fat in the stomach so it looks better.