Saturday, July 21, 2012

Prevent Stroke risk factors to Know

Prevent Stroke risk factors to Know

Stroke is a health problem in Indonesia. It is estimated that 2-3 million people in this country suffer from a stroke. Although stroke is often associated with old age, in fact, more and more people beginning a 30-year-old suffered a stroke. In addition to causing disability, stroke can also cause death.

However, if you prepare yourself from now, you can memangksa most of your risk factors. "This disease can be prevented," according to dr.Sutarto Prodjo Disastro, Sp.S, head of public relations and outreach Stroke Foundation of Indonesia at the Living Control Cholesterol control is held by Pfizer on Thursday (19.08.10).

Stroke is a brain attack that arise due to sudden disruption of blood flow due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain so that brain cells are deprived of blood, oxygen or nutrients resulting in cell death in a short time. "If it is dead, brain cells can not regenerate or grow back, so be careful with stroke," said Sutarto.

Men are at greater risk of stroke, but in recent decades to be the same chances in women. "Women tend to be more stressful because it has two roles, namely career women and housewives," said dr. Ann Arieska Soenarto, Sp.JP (K), of RS.Jantung Hope We Jakarta.

To help reduce the risk of stroke, try to do the following checks:

- Check blood pressure
Many people who do not know they suffer from hypertension, because of this disease have no symptoms from the outside. Check with your blood pressure at least once a year for control of hypertension is a non-negotiable in the prevention of stroke.

- Check with cholesterol
Many reasons why high blood cholesterol levels, including the diet, obesity and smoking habits. Lowering cholesterol is important, regardless of your age and health condition. The recommended safe limit is less than 160 mg / dl. Choose foods with low fat content.

- Diabetes mellitus
Note also your blood sugar levels. "People with diabetes are usually very ugly veins that are at risk for heart disease or stroke," said Ann dr.Arieska

- Take the time to exercise
Less body movement adds a risk factor for stroke, but at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, three times a week, can help cut the risk.

- Other risk factors
Which is also a risk factor for stroke are advanced age, stress, obesity, smoking, high fat consumption and heart disease, especially heart disease with symptoms of heart rhythm disturbances.

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