Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Disorders In Pregnancy

Disorders In Pregnancy

One of these disorders in pregnancy:

hyperemesis Gravidarum

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is nausea and vomiting berlebihan.Mual and vomiting are the most common disorders in the first trimester of pregnancy, at approximately 6 weeks after the last menstrual period for 10 minggu.Sekitar 60-80% 40-60% primigravida and multigravida experience nausea and vomiting , but these symptoms become more severe in only 1 in 1,000 pregnancies.


Not known for sure, but several factors have an influence include: 
  • Predisposing factors, namely primigravidae, and multiple pregnancy. 
  • Organic factors, ie allergies, the inclusion of the villi khorialis in circulation, due to metabolic perudahan 
  • pregnant mothers and the resistance decreases. 
  • psychological factors


The precautionary principle is to avoid treating emesis hyperemesis.
  • Lighting that pregnancy and childbirth is a physiological process 
  • Eat a little, but sering.Berikan snack such as biscuits, crusty bread with hot tea when you wake up in the morning and before tidur.Hindari berbau.Makanan greasy foods and should be in a state of hot or very cold


If prevention does not work, then the necessary treatment that is:
  • Patients were isolated in a quiet and bright rooms with air exchange baik.Kalori parenterally administered with glucose 5% in physiological fluids as much as 2-3 liters a day (in infusion).
  • If during the 24 hours the patient is not vomiting and improving the situation, try to give beverages and foods are gradually added.
  • Recommended giving additional vitamin B1 and B6
  • Provide psychological therapy to convince patients cured illness bias and eliminate the fear of pregnancy and hyperemesis underlying conflict. 
  • In the state of antiemetic drug given more weight than a physician.

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