Friday, July 27, 2012

Importance of Vitamin D and Calcium for Bone Health

Importance of Vitamin D and Calcium for Bone Health

By the age of 30 years, our bone density decreases. We therefore prone to problems with bones or osteoporosis worse, ladies ..Osteoporosis is associated with the intake of calcium and vitamin D. Ladies know that sunlight is good for the production of vitamin D?. Ie under the morning sun at 09.00, so do not be afraid berpanas2 bit ya in the morning?. Vitamin D is essential in reducing fractures and improving bone strength and density. But it found that a large amount of calcium in our diets do not reduce the risk of fractures. Therefore the need for adequate vitamin D is very important and useful for the early absorption of calcium, especially during growth because children need vitamin D for bones and teeth.By this we know that the close relation between vitamin D and osteoporosis, as vitamin D may help fight osteoporosisOsteoporosis is a disease that affects many people every year. This disease affects the bone density (loss of bone mass) so as to make your bone density is lower and easier to experience fractures, particularly in the spine, hip, and wristOsteoporosis occurs when there is no balance between new bone and when the body is trying to absorb old bone. Then if the body does not produce enough new bone dense, you will get osteoporosis. But if your body does not absorb old bone fast enough, you still will get osteoporosis. At a young age, the body makes new bone of calcium and phosphate.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is characterized by a condition where bone mass decreases and the loss of bone tissue, which literally means "porous bone" or "porous bone" or even "a hole in the bone".Cirri-characteristic of progressive thinning of the bones in the body, which is very easy to injuries affecting the health and fitness. Density and bone strength reaches its peak around age 30 and gradually decreased, and sometimes to dangerous levels as in the case of osteoporosisBuild strong bones through physical fitness is probably the best defense against osteoporosis. Keeping the intake of dietary calcium is necessary, although there is also a special drug that works to keep the bones strong so that, by slowing the action of osteoclasts (bone-breaking cells) thus increasing the immunity of bone, for example: Actonel is used with a doctor's prescription.Vitamin D and calcium supplements are the two working together to create a healthy body and provide many benefits to the functioning of the body and necessary for healthy bones and teeth. A shortage of Vitamin D and Calcium in the body is what can lead to osteoporosis. In America the disease is affecting 10 million adults loh ladies ..! But you know the real ladies of this disease can be prevented or treated with a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, without Vitamin D the body will not absorb calcium and bones can become thin, brittle and easily broken or disability.Vitamin D is also important for bone health and helps to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other diseases of the body also prevents rickets in children, osteomalacia in adults and osteoporosis in the elderly. Vitamin D is essential in facilitating the absorption of calcium throughout the body.While Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is required to make and repair bone. Approximately 99% of calcium in the body is used to make bones and teeth. Without calcium bones will become weak and will break easily. Therefore, Vitamin D and calcium are two compounds that each stone is especially important for bone health to prevent osteoporosis, without vitamin D, calcium can not complete the required tasks in the body.

Examples of Foods Containing Vitamin D and Calcium 

  • Yogurt,
  • Eggs, 
  • Milk, 
  • Cheddar cheese, 
  • Tofu / Tempe

Vitamin D: 
  • In addition to the morning sun exposure, vitamin D is naturally obtained only in certain foods, such as cod liver oil, salmon, cereal
  • In addition it is important to consume foods that contain magnesium as 50% of magnesium found in bone, eg, spinach and green vegetables.

So in addition to enriching the intake of vitamin D and calcium, do not be afraid to stand-panasan again ya .. ladies under the morning sun, but it does not need to use sunblock when exposed to sunlight in the morning, because sunblock can prevent the entry of vitamin D to our bodies ..

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